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Nov 9, 2022

Conveying the right type of information for a group so that they can make accurate decisions can be challenging. Barbara Tversky, Professor Emerita of Psychology at Stanford University and Professor of Psychology at Teachers College at Columbia University, alongside our take-over hosts, Barton Friedland and Jarno...

Oct 5, 2022

To achieve their full potential, today's leaders must create intentional space to synthesize a huge amount of information and consider the impacts of any decision they undertake. Transformational leader and agile executive coach, Pat Reed, alongside our take-over hosts, Barton Friedland and Jarno Kartela, share the ways...

Sep 8, 2022

Despite living in an age of ever-increasing uncertainty, advancing technology has amplified and improved our ability to make better business decisions. Alongside our take-over hosts, Barton Friedland and Jarno Kartela, special guest, Keith Grint, Professor Emeritus at Warwick University, explores how leaders can address...

Jun 27, 2022

A Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Thoughtworks examined the practices of

organizations with successful modernization initiatives and two factors came up frequently: 1) working with partners and 2) investing in and retaining knowledgeable staff. Before embarking on a transformation project, listen to this...

Jun 13, 2022

Software professionals and their skills are in high demand and organizations are constantly thinking about how to invest in capability development. In this podcast, we speak with Austin Lamon, about how Spotify created the Backstage platform to empower happy developers. Listen to learn more about creating an environment...